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Dirham COIN Exclusive
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Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Cina bersiap untuk membeli EMAS guna menghedging USD

Momentum ini kemungkinan akan membuat harga emas kembali melejit, dalam 3 bulan kedepan hingga akhir tahun ini. Jika dikaitkan dengan harga minyak seharusnya normal price untuk emas suda berada diatas 1000 USD/oz. Baca berita di CNBC berikut ini :

China should buy more gold because the U.S. dollar is poised for a fall and the metal is needed to support the greater international role envisaged for the yuan, a senior researcher with the ruling Communist Party said on Thursday.


Li Lianzhong, who heads the economic department of the Party's policy research office, said China should use more of its $1.95 trillion in foreign exchange reserves to buy energy and natural resource assets.

Speaking at a foreign exchange and gold forum, Li also said that buying land in the United States was a better option for China than buying U.S. Treasury securities.

"Should we buy gold or U.S. Treasuries?" Li asked. "The U.S. is printing dollars on a massive scale, and in view of that trend, according to the laws of economics, there is no doubt that the dollar will fall. So gold should be a better choice."

Kapan emas akan rally??? jawabannya : "SETIAP SAAT bisa !!!!"

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